Genesis 1:1 and John 1:1 are the only verses in the Bible which begin with the phrase "In the beginning." Together, the sums of their values at 6328 form the divine elegant design of the 112th triangle. 6328is an anagram of 2368 (Jesus 888 + Christ 1480) and holds the value for His description: Who did no sin, neither was guile found in his mouth:” {1Pet 2:22}










In Greek, "the beginning" is αρχη (archē), Strong G746 has a gematria value of 709 without the iota subscript…

              709 is the 127th prime number                                      27013627 occurs at 62,418,439 Pi position

             919 is the 157th prime number                                       62 + 418 + 439 = 919

                        “919” holds the value for “Melchisedek”                         1111 occurs at 12,700 Pi position

Description: Image result for gematria creation triangle imagesDescription: PictureDescription:

2701 =

2701 - 401 = 2300

"The LORD by wisdom hath founded the earth; by understanding hath he established the heavens" Pro 3:19


    יהוה בחכמה יסד ארץ כונן שמים בתבונה

     465 390 126 91 74 75 26 = 1447


"The fear of the LORD is the beginning of wisdom: and the knowledge of the holy is understanding." Pro 9:10


תחלת  כמה יראת יהוה ודעת קדשים בינה

   67 454 480 26 611 65 838 = 2549














To put this in perspective: 26 years from the jubilee year announcement of 1994; Trumpets 2020 merges with exactly 13,032 years from the beginning - 11,013 BC. 13032 is an anagram of 1332. In addition to Alpha Ω,” “1332 holds the value for the introduction verse of the Ten Commandments.  “And God spake all these words, saying…” {Exo 20:1}. 1332 = 666 + 666 - “206


1332 (666 x 2) and the Gen 1:1 creation triangle 2701 both have a perimeter of 216 (6 x 6 x 6).216holds the value for the “Holy of Holies.” The miraculous union between central figures “Israel” (541) “and the earth” (703) is underscored in the Bible Gematria video linked herein.






  + 2549

 = 3996 =








Gen 1:1 =

“Designs of “Wisdom”

The Beginning Sign

“And the earth” - 703

3 x 666 = 1998



The Ending Sign

Israel - 541

6 x 666 = 3996

3 x 1332



Wisdom Star 


Creation Triangle

The Bible Gematria - Pearls of Wisdom also reveal: “…the Alpha and Omega segments of the Wisdom Star. 1332 x 3 = 3996, the gematria value of Proverbs 3:19 and 9:10, (1447 + 2549 = 3996). The perimeter of each Alpha Ω segment is 216, the same as the perimeter of the Genesis 1:1 triangle. The gematria value of Alpha Ω is 1332….”

In short, according to God’s 11013 BC creation timeline, the end of Daniel’s 2300-day count from Pentecost 1988 to Trumpets 1994 was the most decisive point in history with respect to the ultimate timing of restoration. 1994 was envisioned when Sarah was laid to rest in the Promise Land of Canaan 2030 BC, when Israel was brought out of Egypt - 1447 BC, when Solomon’s Temple was destroyed - 587 BC and at the baptismal launch of Christ’s priesthood at the River Jordan - Trumpets 29 AD.  


Yet, from the very beginning of creation God had already secretly signaled His purpose within the first seven words of the bible, as the central word “eth” is untranslated in the text with a numeric value of 401.” “Eth” is spelled with the first and last letters Aleph & Tav (H0852), and corresponds to the Hebrew word “owth” (H0226) for “sign” or “token.”  2701 - 401 = 2300


In the ancient Hebrew the letter “Aleph” was symbolized by an Ox for “strength” while the letter “Tav” was depicted with cross Ϯ for “sign” or “covenant.” Thus, in between “God” and His work of creation there is “Aleph” and “Tav” and a “cross.” Therefore, God's eternal salvation plan from beginning to the end through the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross is prophesized right in the very first verse of the Bible.








Right from the start God stamped His signature on scripture with the divine Creation Triangle, which employs three 666-Triangles around the 73rd triangle number “and the earth.”


At the end of “13,032 years” to Trumpets 2020, God unseals understanding of His wisdom sign doubled from three to six 666-Segments or three 1332-Sections of the Wisdom Star encompassing the Israel Star of David 541.






Lessons from the beginning of the “last Hebrew year”

The gematria “1111” holds the value for  “iota,” “The Witness” and “The Foundations.”  11/11 reflects the only two “In the beginning…” verses in the bible (Gen 1:1 / John 1:1). Miraculously, “1111” first occurs  at the 12,700th position of Pi. In 2017, 11/11 was the fifth Torah Reading Chai Sarah, who was laid to rest “according to the time of life“ at 127 in the Promise Land of Canaan.  2017 and 127 are both anagrams of 2701, which holds the value of the fist verse of the bible. In 2017, Chai Sarah fell on 11/11 for the first time in 73 years and was preceded by “The Great American Eclipse” 8/21/17 by  83 days. 83holds the ordinal value for God’s dry-land rainbow sign to Noah:






Surely, 2017 unquestionably qualifies as another Foundation Year to apply to Haggai’s riddle from when the foundation was laid:













As illustrated above, there are 1011 days to Trumpets from Haggai’s riddle date Kislev 24,  the 24th day of 9th month. “1011” is an anagram of 111which holds the value Alephfor the fist letter of the word, as well as The Beginning of Wisdom.  1011equates to “The heaven and the earth” relating to the “Divine Tapestry of Creation.”

Epic Chai Sarah year





1011  days

1011 = 3 x 337 “Manifest”

Foundation Year 2017


Kislev 24

I do set my bow in the cloud, and it shall be for a token of a covenant between me and the earth. [Gen 9.13]

Haggai’s foundation to consider


Creation Year


Last Year



Fullness of Time

11013 BC



= 13,031 years

83 x 157








First Word - Gen 1:1


Last Word - Gen 1:1



Genesis 1:1

“In the Beginning”


“The Earth”

= 3 x 13 x 31

= 1 x 1209













John 1:1

3 x 13 x 31 x 3



= 3 x 3 x 13 x 31

= 3 x 1209







Sabbath Journey




= 2 x 3 x 13 x 31

= 2 x 1209


Ascension Solar Eclipse


Feast of Dedication

2418 days



Acts 1 Like-manner


John 10:22-24

2368 + 50








4th Commandment

Exodus 20:8


Exodus 20:11

= 13 x 1331



“Remember the Sabbath, keep it holy…”  (Largest value of all Ten Commandments)



The 666th Composite #


806 = 2 x 403

= 2 x 13 x 31


+ Sum divisors 666th Prime #

4974 = 1 + 4973


Hebrew year 5780


806 + 4974 = 5780

Connects 2019



Israel’s rebirth year


5708 = 1948

5780 = 2019









13 x 31 = 403 = “And God called,” “Thy salvation comes!”



13031 = 83 “Man” “Lives x 157 “New Covenant”


Mark 13:31

Heaven and earth shall pass away: but my words shall not pass away.”

Mark 13:31